Sat, Feb 22, 2025

FDA Hand Sanitizer Recall List 2021, Page 3

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Date Recalled Hand Sanitizers Manufacturer FDA Comments
08/11/2020 BV BYE Virus 99       Plastico Las Palmas SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/6/2020
08/11/2020 In Good Hands Hand Sanitizer Gel Plastico Las Palmas SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/6/2020
08/11/2020 UltraCruz Hand Sanitizing Gel Antimicrobial Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Texas) Company tested product; isopropyl alcohol level was subpotent; product voluntarily recalled lot BF12530 on 8/7/2020
08/11/2020 SkinGuard24 All-Day Hand Sanitizer SG24 LLC (Georgia) Product labeled to contain methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/7/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/14/2020
08/11/2020 Volu-Sol Handrub Sanitizing Solution Volu-Sol Inc.  (Utah) Product labeled to contain methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/7/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/14/2020
08/11/2020 Leafree Instant Hand Sanitizer Yangzhou Olande Cosmetic Co. Ltd  (China) Product labeled to be “edible alcohol”; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; FDA recommended a recall to the distributor on 9/1/2020; product voluntarily recalled by CorgioMed LLC on 9/3/2020
08/07/2020 CleanCare Nogerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer Precision Analitica Integral SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; contains methanol; ethanol alcohol level was subpotent; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/6/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
08/06/2020 V-KLEAN Hand Sanitizer Gel Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; ethanol alcohol level was subpotent; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/25/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
08/06/2020 V-KLEAN Hand Sanitizer Gel Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethanol alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/25/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
08/06/2020 V-KLEAN Hand Sanitizer Gel Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethanol alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/25/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
08/06/2020 V-KLEAN Hand Sanitizer Gel Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethanol alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/25/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
08/06/2020 DermX70 Hand Sanitizer (only includes 250mL, 500mL and  1000mL sized packages) Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethanol alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
08/06/2020 V-KLEAN Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethanol alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/25/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
8/6/2020 Medically Minded Hand Sanitizer Gel Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethanol alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/25/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
08/06/2020 Protz Real Protection Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Asiaticon SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethanol alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/25/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/29/2020
8/6/2020 Alcohol Antiseptic 80% topical solution hand sanitizer Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
08/06/2020 Inatek Hand Sanitizer Non-Sterile Solution  70% of Alcohol Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
08/06/2020 All Clear Hand Sanitizer Fragrance Free Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
8/6/2020 Total Pure Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Gel Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
8/6/2020 70% Alcohol Gel Hand Sanitizer Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
08/06/2020 ResQue 1st Instant Hand Sanitizer Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
8/6/2020 70% Alcohol Gel Hand Sanitizer Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
8/6/2020 70% Alcohol Gel Hand Sanitizer Botanicals Internacional SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/13/2020
08/06/2020 OZO Hand Sanitizer, Luxury Formula Estrategia Hospitalaria SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/14/2020
8/6/2020 Hand sanitizer Gel Unscented 70% Alcohol Grupo Insoma S.A.P.I de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/10/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/23/2020
08/06/2020 OZO Hand Sanitizer Ismar Soluciones Dinámicas S de RL de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility as Estrategia Hospitalaria SA de CV that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/14/2020
8/6/2020 Medical Mary Clean Hand Sanitizer Noticias Mexico Hoy Grupo Multimedia (Mexico) FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA has been unable to contact the manufacturer or the distributor to recommend the company recall its product; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/21/2020
08/06/2020 AMX Instant Hand Sanitizer Noticias Mexico Hoy Grupo Multimedia (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has been unable to contact the manufacturer to recommend the company recall its product; FDA is reaching out to distributors to recommend recalls; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/21/2020
08/03/2020 dgreen Advanced Sanitizer Alcohol Free DEPQ Internacional S de RL de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; benzalkonium chloride level was subpotent; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/31/2020
08/03/2020 dgreen Advanced Hand Sanitizer Antibacterial Gel DEPQ Internacional S de RL de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent benzalkonium chloride product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/31/2020
8/3/2020 Hand Sanitizer DEPQ Internacional S de RL de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent benzalkonium chloride product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/31/2020
08/03/2020 Hand Sanitizer Gel DEPQ Internacional S de RL de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent benzalkonium chloride product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/31/2020
08/03/2020 Clean Humans Hand Sanitizer DEPQ Internacional S de RL de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent benzalkonium chloride product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/31/2020
08/03/2020 Greenfrog Hand Sanitizer Notarika SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020
08/03/2020 Greenfrog Hand Sanitizing wipes Notarika SA de CV (Mexico) Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 8/11/2020
8/3/2020 Datsen Hand Sanitizer Quimica Magna de Mexico SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; ethanol alcohol level was subpotent; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/15/2020; FDA recommended the company recall on 7/16/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/15/2020
08/03/2020 Alcohol Antiseptic 62% Hand Sanitizer Quimica Magna de Mexico SA de CV (Mexico) FDA tested product; ethanol alcohol level was subpotent; added to import alert to stop products from entering the U.S. on 7/15/2020; FDA recommended the company recall on 7/16/2020; FDA issued a warning letter on 10/15/2020

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